Daring to Grow In These Dehumanising Times at Exwick Parish Hall
Members: £30 - Non Members: £40 - Concessions: £25

A event on Saturday 14th September. The event starts at 09:00.


09:00 – Arrival

09:30 – Warm up

10:00 – Holly Stoppit: Exploring Internal and External Systems.

Using meditation, embodiment, play, artwork and discussion to explore how our internal and external systems interrelate. We’ll discover how some of our inner parts relate to each other and how our internal constellations mirror or counter the outer systems we’re part of.

11:30 – Break

11:45 - Vic Greenfield Colonisation, Dehumanisation, and Humanising the Oppressor.

How do we as Dramatherapists grow, whilst acknowledging that never ending growth is at the heart of colonisation and therefore dehumanisation, of others, of the earth? How do we allow ourselves the humanity of rest when there is so much to do?
We must acknowledge and accept the extent of what colonisation and therefore dehumanisation has done to others, to the earth and to ourselves. To our institutions, to even our practice. We must rest so deeply that the shadow can be acknowledged fully. This will be accomplished through a literature review and discussion, followed by an invitation to rest, explore parts of ourselves and to humanise the internal oppressor.

13:15 – Lunch

14:15 - Ursula Holden-Gill: Daring to Grow: Through the Stories of Our Sense of Place.

Ursula will help us uncover whether there is an opportunity to reconnect with the primary positive stories of our lives and our clients’ lives through a reimagined Jennings Embodiment, Projection and Role method. These stories and sense of place may stray due to abuse or cultural displacement. and internalised negative memories. Stories may hold the key to reset the internalise negative memory and reconnection to the primary positive stories in our lives. Subsequently helping all of us to dare to grow.

15:45 – Break

16:00 - Harriet Garbas: She Elevates: taking action now could save her life.

‘She Elevates’ explores a current issue around power play in the performers life and aims to bring about solutions through the performance and the process. Using a positive psychology approach the performance focusses on how an individual can regain personal power, find hope and thrive despite difficult life circumstances and even existential crisis by taking action.

The performance will be followed by a short reflective and creative processing opportunity for audience members.

17:00 - Break and feedback

17:15 - Closing

Entry requirements: 18+